

Project Summary

The goal:

The deliverables:

The learning opportunities:


Plan of Attack - Project Overview

Short blurb on how you decided to execute the project

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  • understanding stakeholder goals
  • understanding the backstory
  • understanding personas

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  • interviewed buyers
  • interviewed seller
  • interviewed agents

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  • identified pain points
  • plotted pain points into actual timeline of buying/selling property process

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  • delivered comprehensive impactful design suggestions

1. Hypothesis Formation

Proposition: Show them how hard realtors work to earn their respect back while making realtors seem smart enough to feel indispensable

Understanding Stakeholder's Goal

Captivate Real Estate wants to provide more value to their agents through providing the tools to help them close more deals by:

  • Generating leads and referrals
  • Making them stand out on-line and therefore land more listings
  • saving time
  • Improving communication with clients: automate messaging, timely response, 24/7 guidance

Understanding the Backstory

Buyers and Sellers don’t believe that their realtors have value equaling their cost

  • Clients feel that realtors don’t seem to do enough
  • Realtors don’t come off as having valuable expertise

Understanding Validated Personas

2. Experiments

Comprehensive User Interviews

In order for us to understand the different mental models between buyers, sellers, and real estate agents, as a group we collectively interviewed 11 buyers, 7 sellers, and 7 real estate agents. 

3. Synthesis & Suggestions

Comprehensive User Interviews

Infographics: quantitative data of number of users experiencing a specific pain point. Understand which pain point will have the most effect on seller & buyer experience

Plot paint points into timeline

Timeline: overlay user journeys of buyer, seller and agent in a timeline to understand their needs in relation to the whole process of buying/ selling a house and to each other.

If implemented, we imagine that the timeline would be shortened as demonstrated below:


Throughout the entire process, we were able to learn bla bla bla


Below is a quote from one of the stakeholder, Misha Chellam:

…recorded not necessarily what sellers & buyers said but what they meant by what they said. I was very pleased to see when you mapped it on the board to find an emotional underpinning to the research instead of just factual presentation….you were able to point places in a timeline where they were experiencing that specific emotion. Selling is ultimately about understanding people’s emotions…so that was very powerful

Ultimately, the results were exactly what we were looking for and now based on your findings I have a clear understanding of what buyers and sellers in the real estate market want and now we can move towards the solutions you offered.